Do you need to look back and Rediscover who you truly are?
I remember when I was a little girl.
I dreamed of becoming... (don't laugh)
Miss America!
I would walk down the stairs after my evening bath, wearing my robe and my dad would sing
"Here she is, Miss America!"
Fast forward to when I was 19...
Guess what I did?
I entered one of those pageants...
and WON!
When I think back to those days, I see clues of
WHO I was
WHAT I valued
WHY I did what I did
REMEMBERING these things is so helpful when I'm
Motherhood, career, family,
Fear, anxiety, shame, anger
All these things get in the way of being who we are meant to be.
THIS is what I want all women to know.
YOU are valued, loved, worth it!
WORTH the investment
WORTH the time
WORTH the effort
Do you believe this?
I would love to help
Your answer to be YES!
I have a client that came to me when her kids started "leaving the nest"
Her identity was so tied to her children, she couldn't imagine life without them.
She felt LOST
She didn't know who she was anymore.
It all happened SO FAST!
Do you feel LOST sometimes?
Or that you have FORGOTTEN who you are?
You SEARCH for your identity
but can't FIND yourself anywhere!
On our journey through REDISCOVERING yourself,
you will learn...
~ how to look for clues of who you are
~ how to read the map to get back to your true self
~ how to accept and love yourself
so that
you can love others better